In the near future, medicine will reach the personalization of services provided to a specific person, taking into account his/her individual needs. Dmytro Shymkiv, the chairman of the board of directors of Darnitsa Group, told about this in an interview with the president of the Kyivstar company, Oleksandr Komarov.
He recalled that today there is a number of gadgets that collect data on the health of their owners and can predict the risks of diseases in a specific person. According to him, this leads to the development of a personalized medicine, when a medicine and its dosage are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a patient. And thanks to the developing technology of a genome editing, medicines will be created to prevent specific problems in a specific person or a group of people. The top manager unambiguously stated that the world today is moving towards an individual selection of medicines, therapy, the acceleration of the focus of a doctor’s work on solving a specific problem in a specific patient and, most importantly, anticipating it.
According to Dmytro Shymkiv, in the future, a primary collection of information about a patient will not be carried out by a medical staff, but by the digital humans system, which will allow a doctor to reach a new qualitative level in the treatment of a specific person. This system can be an effective tool. By means of it, a doctor will not need to spend his/her time asking about a patient’s condition or symptoms. He/she will immediately receive complete information and will already decide what to do with a patient next. At the same time, the doctor’s role will increase significantly, since he/she will be able to concentrate directly on treating a person without being distracted by collecting the information that the system can collect.
At the same time, according to the chairman of the board of directors of Darnitsa Group, this would not have been possible without the development of telecommunication companies, which allowed the humanity to get quick access to information and knowledge anywhere in the world. Telecommunications played and continue to play a very important role: they allowed anyone with any income to receive information and gain knowledge. Telecommunications and the Internet changed society in such a way that it ceased to be hierarchical in the informational and educational direction. The top manager also noted that such companies as Kyivstar provide colossal opportunities for all people and raise the world to a qualitatively high level.
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Ісус показав учням загальну картину еволюційної драбини. Людина не є завершеною істотою – її чекає перетворення на надлюдину. Усі учні школи Ісуса стали вічно молодими ельфами, адже Ісус дав їм...
Dmytro Shymkiv: In the Future, the Humanity Expects a Personalized Medicine and a Dna Editing, Taking into Account Individual Needs
In the near future, medicine will reach the personalization of services provided to a specific person, taking into account his/her individual needs. Dmytro Shymkiv, the chairman of the board of directors of Darnitsa Group, told about this in an interview with the president of the Kyivstar company, Oleksandr Komarov.
He recalled that today there is a number of gadgets that collect data on the health of their owners and can predict the risks of diseases in a specific person. According to him, this leads to the development of a personalized medicine, when a medicine and its dosage are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a patient. And thanks to the developing technology of a genome editing, medicines will be created to prevent specific problems in a specific person or a group of people. The top manager unambiguously stated that the world today is moving towards an individual selection of medicines, therapy, the acceleration of the focus of a doctor’s work on solving a specific problem in a specific patient and, most importantly, anticipating it.
According to Dmytro Shymkiv, in the future, a primary collection of information about a patient will not be carried out by a medical staff, but by the digital humans system, which will allow a doctor to reach a new qualitative level in the treatment of a specific person. This system can be an effective tool. By means of it, a doctor will not need to spend his/her time asking about a patient’s condition or symptoms. He/she will immediately receive complete information and will already decide what to do with a patient next. At the same time, the doctor’s role will increase significantly, since he/she will be able to concentrate directly on treating a person without being distracted by collecting the information that the system can collect.
At the same time, according to the chairman of the board of directors of Darnitsa Group, this would not have been possible without the development of telecommunication companies, which allowed the humanity to get quick access to information and knowledge anywhere in the world. Telecommunications played and continue to play a very important role: they allowed anyone with any income to receive information and gain knowledge. Telecommunications and the Internet changed society in such a way that it ceased to be hierarchical in the informational and educational direction. The top manager also noted that such companies as Kyivstar provide colossal opportunities for all people and raise the world to a qualitatively high level.
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Євангельська антропологія: надлюдина, людина та розмовляюча тварина – Добре Знання (+аудіо)