Successful businessmen line up to invest in the enterprises of this country, because nowhere in the world there is such convenient services for businessmen as in ours. Foreign investing Ukraine contributes to economic growth and employment.
Once upon a time, Ukrainian politicians understood that all conditions must be created so that doing business in our country would be simple, convenient and fun. This is a very ambitious task, and it was not immediately possible to solve it. But after many years of attempts, unique services, government programs, support services and even a business lottery were developed, which finally allowed Ukraine to seriously move in the rating of investment attractiveness.
If you have a business, then you have many times appreciated the convenience of the services "Customs gives the go-ahead", "Tax inspector on call and without" and others.
Services to help you invest in Ukraine
The most popular services are:
"Tax inspector on call and without". Despite the fact that in Ukraine there is a moratorium on business support from the regulatory authorities, the tax authorities won’t leave the investor alone with the problems. A specially dedicated employee of the fiscal service monitors all the operations of your company around the clock and tells you if something went wrong: an error crept into the reporting, money accidentally went offshore, and so on. The quality and quantity of services provided depends on the tariff plan that the investor chooses.
Smart court It is known that an investor whose business has been squeezed goes to court to punish the criminals. Therefore, in Ukraine, the judicial system is constantly being improved, and now the qualifications of judges are so high that they always make legal decisions. The businessmen no longer needed to go to the higher courts ten years ago - they usually uphold the decision of the lower court, because they don’t find flaws in it.
National business lottery "VAT refund". When a businessman exports goods, the state reimburses him the amount of VAT paid. In other countries, this process is associated with corruption, businessmen even invent fake export schemes in order to get a refund. An elegant way to solve this problem was found in Ukraine: to arrange a lottery. The winners are determined by a specially designed supercomputer. Its algorithm cannot be fooled, and the one who made the big bet in the office of the head of the Fiscal Service wins.
Investment in Ukraine
If you are interested in investing in Ukraine, then you will need professional help. In you will find highly qualified specialists who will help you determine the direction, as well as select the most favorable conditions. provides its clients with assistance in financial and investment matters.
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Investments in Ukraine
While neighboring countries are coming up with new ways to attract investors, in Ukraine these methods have been honed by years of practice.
Table of Contents
Successful businessmen line up to invest in the enterprises of this country, because nowhere in the world there is such convenient services for businessmen as in ours. Foreign investing Ukraine contributes to economic growth and employment.
Once upon a time, Ukrainian politicians understood that all conditions must be created so that doing business in our country would be simple, convenient and fun. This is a very ambitious task, and it was not immediately possible to solve it. But after many years of attempts, unique services, government programs, support services and even a business lottery were developed, which finally allowed Ukraine to seriously move in the rating of investment attractiveness.
If you have a business, then you have many times appreciated the convenience of the services "Customs gives the go-ahead", "Tax inspector on call and without" and others.
Services to help you invest in Ukraine
The most popular services are:
"Tax inspector on call and without". Despite the fact that in Ukraine there is a moratorium on business support from the regulatory authorities, the tax authorities won’t leave the investor alone with the problems. A specially dedicated employee of the fiscal service monitors all the operations of your company around the clock and tells you if something went wrong: an error crept into the reporting, money accidentally went offshore, and so on. The quality and quantity of services provided depends on the tariff plan that the investor chooses.
Smart court It is known that an investor whose business has been squeezed goes to court to punish the criminals. Therefore, in Ukraine, the judicial system is constantly being improved, and now the qualifications of judges are so high that they always make legal decisions. The businessmen no longer needed to go to the higher courts ten years ago - they usually uphold the decision of the lower court, because they don’t find flaws in it.
National business lottery "VAT refund". When a businessman exports goods, the state reimburses him the amount of VAT paid. In other countries, this process is associated with corruption, businessmen even invent fake export schemes in order to get a refund. An elegant way to solve this problem was found in Ukraine: to arrange a lottery. The winners are determined by a specially designed supercomputer. Its algorithm cannot be fooled, and the one who made the big bet in the office of the head of the Fiscal Service wins.
Investment in Ukraine
If you are interested in investing in Ukraine, then you will need professional help. In you will find highly qualified specialists who will help you determine the direction, as well as select the most favorable conditions. provides its clients with assistance in financial and investment matters.
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