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The pharmacy industry is on the list of the most progressive

During the forum of business thinkers, Dmytro Shymkiv, also known as the Chairman of the Board of Directors representing the Darnytsia Group, said that the COVID-19 pandemic has become a severe stimulus to developing pharmaceutical companies around the world. Therefore, only after a year of the spread of coronavirus infection they could enter the rankings of most innovative companies. Ukrainian News Agency reported this on March 19.

He also added that the industry is motivated to find new solutions created by all states’ challenges with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

«According to international rankings, it is clear that the pharmaceutical industry is mainly among the most innovative companies. For example, you can see Moderna, Pfizer, Jonson & Jonson, which are widely popular due to their pharmaceutical activities. The world could finally create a vaccine against COVID-19 in less than a year. Of course, we understand that the process of its creation has not yet been completed since clinical trials of all vaccines are ongoing, but advanced technologies already allow us to do what could only be dreamed of a few years ago and which was closed.

So, the process of finding and developing solutions continues, and the pharmaceutical industry is one of the leaders here. If we talk about our company, the innovation process it implements will be constant and stable. It is carried out non-stop in the company and covers employees, consumers-patients, includes development and production because Darnytsia is the largest manufacturer in Ukraine if we talk about the volume of products», he said, continuing his speech.

The Chairman also added that Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies can really be compared with the world ones in terms of technology and quality.

«The Ukrainian pharmaceutical sector has been cooperating with international markets for a long time and realizes that the requirements imposed by manufacturers, especially from European markets, are quite tough. And the requirements for the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry are in many ways similar to those that exist in the European Union. In most cases, Europeans seem to be pleasantly surprised when they see the production process and quality of medicines in Ukraine. And Ukrainians often underestimate their own resources and infrastructure, which can stand next to top-rated manufacturers» — this was especially emphasized.

He also added that Ukrainians almost did not notice the lack of drugs during the blockage, which was due to the fact that a powerful production facility was created in the country that can easily produce and deliver all the necessary drugs.

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