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Why cloud technologies and ERP systems are necessary for a successful business - Dmytro Shymkiv

Nowadays that business wins, which may offer its services to different generations, and first of all to the younger one. The chairman of the Darnitsa Group Board of Directors Dmytro Shymkiv asserted this at GET Business Festival-2021. He also noted that in order to create interesting and needed products one has to actively implement digital technologies, inside the company and while working with clients as well.

Using cloud technologies allows any team member to work from any place in the world and at any time. He also highlighted that “Darnitsa” - is the first pharmaceutical company in Ukraine and one of the first in Europe that has implemented a cloud ERP system to manage business processes. Thus appeared the guarantee that it is available in any point of the world, at any time, despite any pandemics, and this gives the pharmaceutical concern a strong advantage over its competitors. Today “Darnitsa” has made it to the top 25 companies of Ukraine that are leaders in digitalizing. 

According to Shymkiv, cloud technologies also allow a significantly quicker access to different analytical data even from the phone, and common work on some documents greatly simplifies the process of making decisions in a company. Due to digitalizing “Darnitsa” has long since shifted to this format of work. This has allowed twice faster collaboration on any type of document. 

One more condition for a successful business, Dmytro Shymkiv thinks, is a skill to work effectively with different social media, including those currently popular among the youth. To illustrate his words he mentioned memes and Tik-Tok videos trending during the European Football Championship about “Corvalol- Darnitsa”.

The chairman of the Darnitsa Group Board of Directors  said that Darnitsa Group is very grateful to the Ukrainian fans, because due to their one week discussion of “Corvalol” in Facebook, Instagram and Tik-Tok, the sales grew by 32%. This is a very explicit showcase of the social networks’ power. At that he specified that one has to know how to work with that audience, as Generation Z was practically born with a phone in their hands. Nowadays, the reality proves that if one does nothing related to digital, he is not to survive. Now, if you wish to win, you have to be able to reach any generation and offer new services, new ideas, and products that will be interesting to everyone. 

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